Ottawa Scandal: Hairstylist Rony Jermani Sues Calypso Water Park for $3.2 Million

Ottawa hairstylist, Rony Jermani, has moved to court over a claim that he broke his ankle at the Calypso Water Park on June 22, 2014. He filed the claim in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on the 14th day of June, 2016 alleging that the water park was not competent enough to ensure that the pool surfaces were safe. He also alleged that the Calypso Water Park must have been negligent by not installing handrails around the pool.

Rony Jermani, who owns Rony Jermani Salon and Spa, claimed that he slipped on steps as he was going out of the pool fracturing and dislocating his left ankle.

This latest litigation against Calypso Water Park remains the largest claim sought against them, as revealed by Ontario court records.

During a brief phone interview last week, the hairstylist claimed that the injury caused him pain which he still feels even today. He also added that his business has suffered too due to the injury.

"I’m not able to work as much as before," he said during the interview.

"I’m in pain sometimes when I stand. When I stand on it, not even from the ankle only, from the bottom of it, too. It hurts all the time. It’s been tough on me."

In his statement of claim, Rony alleges that the water park management failed to put measures to curb such occurrences. He notes that the surface was not made in the right way and that the water park failed to "advise of the inherent danger of the underwater surfaces and steps of the children’s wading pool."

As he awaits approval of the allegations he presented in his statement, Calypso Water Park has also filed a notice of intent on July 26, 2016 in a move to defend the lawsuit. The company has also complained of the “grossly excessive damage claims” by Mr Jermani.

From court records, Calypso Water Park has regularly been in lawsuits almost similar to Mr Jermani’s with the latest one being Danielle Yelle’s in July 2010. However, Danielle Yelle’s allegations were dismissed in May 2015 with Judge Beaudoin ordering Yelle to pay Calypso Water Park.




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