Why online dating is popular in today’s society?
Today in our society the research tells us that a huge quarter of millennials are interesting in dating someone significantly older than them. We hear the rule that you can only date someone younger than you if they are "half your age plus seven." Why suddenly this is happening? We don’t know but it seems to be the trend in today’s world. It could be because we look to see what is happening in media and how celebrities date. Look at George Clooney, who is 56 and his wife Amal Clooney who is only 40. What about Demi Moore (57) and Ashton Kutcher (41) in the past?
In reference to the text from Infinite Shades of Happiness regarding the experiences of millennials and people who seek to date millennials, some scientific evidence points that young women who go for older men because they have broken attachment styles (“daddy issues†based on the study from 2016 that was published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences journal). Sometimes younger women and traditional men could have more in common than what it is used to be. People read books, watch new, follow current affairs, interested in the world politics – on-demand TV and everything is now available everywhere. Millennials like the same music as the traditionalists grew up with like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, U2, ABBA, Cyndi Lauper. TV syndicated shows and films as from 80’s and 90’s.
So perhaps millennial women who aren't keen on having children early, or ever, prefer to date older men who might be more on the same page rather than younger men who might rush them into starting a family.
Ultimately, the survey does suggest many millennials are looking for a relationship with older people, and the reasons for that are completely speculative. Some people might just like the idea of dating someone with more experience — and dating sites are an effortless way to make that happen. With so many online dating sites to choose from like Tinder (office in San Francisco), Bumble, Hinge, Plenty of Fish, Elite Singles, Match, Our Time, that it is so easy to create your profile on the fly, you just have to know who and what exactly you are looking for to attract because you will be competing with other people on that dating site.
When compiling your profile on the dating site, experts like myself, recommend to stop lying about age, weight, height, or any other points of insecurity. There are so many people out there that based on your interests and how you have described yourself you will always find that a special person will like you for you and not for a made-up character.
Be real and honest about yourself! It all depends on the profile description and which photo you selected of yourself. The importance is to keep your profile short but precise with not too many jokes. Your intended audience might not understand and won’t find it funny.
The whole idea is to present to your audience is who you are, who you are looking for and for what purpose. Off description, in the general profile, offer keen description of your passions, interests, perhaps add more spectacular pictures that would describe you and your personality.
Match found that 60% of men and 82% of women were viewed as more attractive in photos taken in the summer months then in the winter months. The look is much better outdoors where you are having wonderful time under the sun, then all bundled up in long coat and hat where you are not recognizable.
What I can help you with: 1) Are you new to the online dating world? 2) Dating after being in a longtime relationship? Can’t find what you are looking for online? Don’t know what to say about yourself to make you sound attractive, appealing and engaging to others? Not sure which photos to post? All those questions are very common and easy to fix once you know how.
Regina Gershman is a certified Image Consultant and Dating Coach from George Brown College. Her goal is to empower her clients’ dating and etiquette style, appearance, business, social, anger-management, and adult/teen’s self-esteem. For more information, please visit: www.reginagershman-imageconsulting.com, by email: regina_gershman@yahoo.com or call (416) 305-4477.
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