Media Spin
Media Spin

How wind and solar power are destroying the planet

Posted on 04 April 2022

One of the greatest lies ever told is that unreliable wind and solar can save the planet.

When touting their ostensibly environmental credentials, crony capitalists, rent-seekers, and adoring advocates fail to account for any of the associated costs.

As far as the wind and sun cult is concerned, it's all sunshine and appropriately stiff breezes.

The need to account for all cos ...

Media Spin

Coronavirus: Toronto grocery store uses UV tech to sanitize items

Posted on 25 May 2020

A Toronto supermarket has become the first to use UVC lights to sanitize groceries at checkout. The technology has been widely used in healthcare settings but is now proving useful across a wide array of industries. In the above video, Tina Yazdani reports. ...

Media Spin

Twenty-Four Canadian Groups Say: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe

Posted on 24 May 2020

Many cities and countries have already taken action against 5G deployment by banning it, filing lawsuits, issuing moratoriums, passing ordinances and resolutions (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8).  Since 2018, there have been reports of people and animals becoming sick after it was turned on (see 1. 2, 3, 4).
Of course it’s not just 5G that is harmful.  All sources of Electromagneti ...

Media Spin

Jamaican cruiseship worker tortured in COVID-19 human experiment

Posted on 20 May 2020

In the above video you will see what appears to be a Jamaican cruiseship worker being tortured in COVID-19 experiment.
It has become more and more apparent that COVID-19 has become a pretext for the oppression of human rights.
The above report was made by Television Jamaica.

Media Spin

How Toronto is getting ready to restart its economic engine

Posted on 14 May 2020

In the above CBC News video, Toronto Mayor John Tory says that jump-starting the city's economy when it's safe to lift restrictions is in the interest of the entire country. Ontario is set to announce it will lift restrictions on construction work and will loosen them on most retail shops as part of its COVID-19 reopening plan. ...

Media Spin

Statue of Liberty moved: Mandela Effect strikes again

Posted on 13 May 2020

Do you remember when the Statute of Liberty was on Ellis Island?
But now history suggests that it has "always" been on "Liberty Island".
This is further apparent proof that "some of us" have apparently been abducted into a simulation by some kind of manipulative alien intelligence where things have been changed.  These things range from corporate logos to whole changes in geograp ...

Media Spin

Toronto ShopHERE program announced to lessen economic burden

Posted on 13 May 2020

(GLOBAL-TV)  - In the above video, Toronto Mayor John Tory, joined by chief medical officer of health Dr. Eileen de Villa and chief Matthew Pegg, fire chief & general manager of emergency management for the city, provided an update on the city's ongoing response to COVID-19 on 11 May 2020.

The update came as some stores in Ontario reopened on Monday for curbside pickup after a wee ...

Media Spin

Toronto rent prices drop as supply increases - But what about homelessness?

Posted on 13 May 2020

In the above video, CityTV documents that The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a shift in Toronto’s rental market.

Maleeha Sheikh with how experts say an influx in supply is taking some of the power out of the hands of landlords.
In my view, there needs to be far more leadership on matters of affordable housing though.
And many fellow Torontonians simply cannot afford any rent ...

Media Spin

5G Auto-Immune Disease: Corona-Fascists pursue agenda to destroy family structures

Posted on 05 May 2020

It is apparent that American and European billionaires have parachutes operated in various progressive organizations to co-opt messages of 'gender equality' to instead support the "divide, rule and conquer" agenda of the 5G Auto-Immune Disease. 
The strength of family units has been a source of personal spiritual strength for individuals who have fought against social injustices throughou ...

Media Spin

NAFTA: Globe and Mail's John Ibbitson Lacks Respect for Canada's Sovereignty

Posted on 21 September 2018

Ah yes, I remember when the Globe and Mai's John Ibbitson used to describe himself to be a "socialist".
Now, Mr. Ibbitson seems to be suggesting to Canadians that we should be content with whatever scraps of bones Mr Trump sends our way.
According to Mr. Ibbiston's most recent article, we, as Canadians, should be jumping for joy as long as Big Business interests in Canada get ...