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Alien Humanoids: Cocijo, The Zapotec God of The Ray.

Date: ±660 B.C.

Place: Valley of Oaxaca, State of Oaxaca, Mexico.

In the Valley of Oaxaca, about 600 years before Christ, appeared a group of agricultural communities that later became one of the most developed civilisations in the Mesoamerican area: the Zapotecs (which means “Cloud People” in their language).

They had a considerably rich culture, comprehending numerous religious traditions and legends that would reinforce their system of beliefs.

One of their most interesting legends is the one which relates the origin of the god Cocijo. On his publication called Humanoid Sighting Reports, UFO researcher and writer Albert Rosales states that, according to the story, “a man arrived from the sky on a beam of light” and later “took a native woman as a wife and he taught the people many wondrous things”.

Soon after, the couple “had a son. When the son was grown and married, the man stood in the centre of the village again and left on a beam of light, never to be seen again”. This mysterious man was given the name of Cocijo, the God of the Ray.

Was this one of the first reported cases of physical contact between humans and extraterrestrial beings in History?

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid-1869.pdf

Location. Lambityeco, Oaxaca, Mexico

Date: 660 B.C. Time: unknown

People tell a story about a time when a man arrived from the sky on a beam of light. He took a native woman as a wife and he taught the people many wondrous things. They had a son. When the son was grown and married, the man stood in the center of the village again and left on a beam of light, never to be seen again. The stranger from the sky was called Cocijo The God of the Ray. There is a temple along the side of the highway with various masks depicting the rulers of the city. There is even a plaque erected by the Mexican government that tells the story of Cocijo. 


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