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Astronomer Tracks UFO Activity Over Chicago

Date: February 8, 2016.

Place: Chicago, USA.

“Unfortunately, people have become so disconnected from the night sky in our modern culture, that when they see something like that [a UFO or something unusual in the sky], they say ‘what the heck is that!’”. This declaration offered to Chicago’s based TV chain FOX 32, was made by PhD Mark Hammergren, a renowned astronomer interested in UFOs related events who has dedicated several years of his life to study the flying saucer phenomenon.

While looking up to the stars in Adler Planetary, Mr. Hammergren affirms he has spotted several UFOs in the Chicago area. “One of the most notable ones are these red lights, a series of three red lights seen in several occasions in 2004 and 2006”  he said.  He is also very open to people who have witnessed strange objects in the sky; he receives hundreds of calls per day reporting sightings, which are directly investigated by himself. Some of these reports are true, but some others are not. He recalls the case of a man who phoned him saying he had taped a “saucer-like object” from his car.  “It proved to be a reflection of a streetlight”, the astronomer stated.

However, this proves that people in general are getting more and more interested in UFO activity.  As Mr. Hammergren expressed: “search for extraterrestrial life has become mainstream”. Will we find the answers we are looking for?

For further information: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2016/02/astronomer-tracks-ufo-sightings-over.html

Astronomer Tracks UFO Sightings Over Chicago Area, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: February 8, 2016

Location of sightings: Chicago, Illinois, USA

News Source: http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/local/86328112-story

I do believe, as technology advances, so will the publics abilities to record and even contact aliens. Technology will arm the UFO researchers with very powerful tools. The one I want the most is a tool that can detect CGI in video to tell me if its real or not. There is an overwhelming amount of fake UFO videos on Youtube and we really need to know the truth, and fakes don't help the cause. 

Scott C. Waring



CHICAGO (FOX 32 News): Mark Hammergren knows that the truth is out there. An astronomer for the Adler Planetarium – and a confessed X Files fan – he’s lived a life looking up into the stars. And when it comes to reported sightings of UFOs around the Chicago area, he’s heard a tale or two. Mark often gets phone calls at the Adler, with people claiming to see unexplainable lights and objects in the sky – unexplainable until Mark starts investigating. Modern UFO sightings in the U.S. began nearly 70 years ago. During that time, no definitive proof has ever been uncovered. But that doesn’t mean that the search is over, especially for astronomers. A quick Google search of UFOs in Chicago will yield a seemingly never ending trail of rumors, theories and speculation. And Mark will always be there to follow the trail. Because he’s a man who knows the value of looking into the night sky. He knows, somewhere out there, the truth is waiting. 


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