UFO · Exopolitics 6018 Views by JD91

UFO scans Earth near International Space Station

Date: January, 2016.

Place: ISS (International Space Station).

Pictures and videos taken from the ISS (International Space Station) are famous for their breath-taking beauty. They make people feel like they were the Gods of the Olympus observing their creation from their comfortable abode. However, sometimes these pictures and videos become popular for other reasons: weird shiny objects wandering around Earth that make us think: are we are alone in this immense universe?

The 28th of January, Youtube user and ufologist Streetcap1 released a video taken from one the ISS cameras, in which one can appreciate a strange brilliant spot near the spaceship. This UFO seems to be “scanning” the planet using a beam of light. According to the source, the object appeared “at the right hand side of the screen” and soon after “moved out of frame again”.

So, the questions are: is this UFO an extra-terrestrial device? If so, why are aliens “scanning” our planet? Are they worried about the way we have developed potentially destructive technologies (nuclear weapons, for example)? It is a well-known fact that an atomic explosion in outer space may cause severe damage to magnetosphere, which could alter Earth’s gravitational field. In other words, are they trying to impede our own destruction?  

For further information:


UFO Near Space Station Makes Beam Of Light Scanning Earth! Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows a UFO with a beam of light hitting Earth. The UFO is scanning the planet for some reason, probably trying to calculate the number of life forms/types in the ocean. Human pollution and how fast we destroy our own planet does concern them...since it was theirs long before it was ours. 

Scott C. Waring


Streetcap1 of Yotube states: 

These appeared at the right hand side of the screen briefly then moved out of frame again. I took a still photo of them and sharpened the picture which appears at the beginning and end of this short video. Streetcap1.



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