UFO: Alien Exits Spacecraft then Shape-Shifts into Normal Human

A witness saw an alien being exit a UFO and shape-shift into a normal human in Miami Beach, Florida on January 18, 2014. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of UFOInfo.com, published in December, 2014.

The report describes how he and his girlfriend followed the UFO.

“A witness had gone outside to walk with his girlfriend when they both noticed a bright irregular shape moving slow over the area. He sent his girlfriend inside the object and followed the object in his car. He kept his distance and so it land on a construction field.”

It tells us how the witnesses saw a figure coming out of a triangular craft.

‘There was no one around but his girlfriend had followed close behind and joined him to see a triangular-shaped door slowly open on the craft. A figure came out wearing a suit and looked their way and then looked around.”

The report then describes how the alien being acted in a very weird manner.

“It then bent down and grabbed some soil and then blowing it into the wind. It carried a sort of device in one hand which later picked up and said an unintelligible phrase.”

It further tells us that the craft left but the alien remain and shape-shifted into a human.

“The craft then left and the strange figure remained behind. According to the witnesses the figure suddenly ‘transformed’ itself into a normal human and walked away never looking back at the witnesses.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity. Sighting of shape-shifting aliens have been reported by many witnesses around the globe.


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