UFO · Exopolitics 4992 Views Faraz Haidar

Alien entity reported on Mars

A dark object, that is fairly evident in the image provided, was discovered in the Sol 644. The discovery was made by Streecap1 of YouTube. Upon being discovered, the image and video were posted online over UFOSightingsDaily.com by Scott C. Waring – a UFOlogist and owner of UFOSightingsDaily.com – a site dedicated to presenting details about UFO sightings from all over the world. Although Scott C. Waring tried finding other images of the area where the object was noticed, but none could be found for the UFO could not be seen in any of the other photos.


What needs to be mentioned here is that although the black UFO evident in the images could be an alien drone, it also resembles a flying black beetle. Moreover, its shape also resembles that of a black cicada, which is known to have transparent winds on Earth. Apart from that, the black object looks as if it is flying – not sitting on the mountain, which is rather faded and blurred.  Considering that there aren’t any other such objects on the mountain, there is good chance that the object may have flown past when the rover was taking a photograph. It is sighting such as these that give us ample reason to believe that alien life form does exist out there. 


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