UFO · Exopolitics 4856 Views Faraz Haidar

UFO and Jet nearly collide

A video footage surfaced on May 20th, 2014 showing a UFO shooting past a plane over Tijuana, Mexico. If truth be told, the video is totally incredible and can be considered one of a kind. Videos of such incidences are rarely caught on camera, and this sure was an outstanding coincidence.

The one of a kind video and images were initially exposed on UFOSightingsDaily.com by Mr. Scott C. Waring. Scott Waring is basically the owner of UFOSightingsDaily.com, and is a popular UFOLogist who has dedicated his life to working on UFO sightings. In the video, not only can the UFO be seen rather clearly, but it is also obvious that the UFO passes right behind the chemtrail of the plane. Amongst the masses, it is largely being believed that this incidence is proof that the aliens are taking much of an interest in the pollutants that are being put in the air by us humans.

Videos such as these, and the meanings that they give out are proof enough to show that the aliens are truly interested in what us humans do, and the ways in which we put different things to use. 


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