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Extraterrestrial: Ancient Tomb Discovered on Mars

Existence of life on Mars is about to reveal. Yes!  Another shocking revelation has raised many questions for the exo-planet experts. Recently, an ancient tomb has been revealed on Mars. In terms of architecture, this tomb is totally similar to Japanese tomb of Konfun.  How could this be?

Persistent revelations of unprecedented things on Mars raise many questions for humankind. Indeed, John Lash has suggested that manipulative aliens have been responsible for the development of many essentially oppressive and bigoted organized religions on Earth.

Previously, a metallic cable was discovered from the surface of this planet. And, it was supposed to be a cable of Alien’s space ship. Experts have found enough evidences to determine whether life was there on Mars or not.

This is not a fantasy. You may check this tomb by yourself, said UFOs online blog UFO Sightings Daily. This news agency reported to have said “If you want a look for yourself, just copy/paste the coordinates given below into the Google search box, but you must hit the button on the bar at the top of the screen to switch from Earth view to Mars view.

Japanese Coordinates: 36° 7'45.64"N 139°28'52.95"E
Mars Coordinates: 6° 3'57.07"N 92° 4'13.22"E

Inevitably, this is the biggest revelation so far of Mars. It has yet to investigate whether the revealed tomb had been manufactured from the same concrete material that was used for building ancient Japanese tomb of Konfun. The abrupt revelations raise questions for our exo planet experts. And, unless this tomb is not closely probed, it could remain a mystery for the people living on Earth.  


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