UFO · Exopolitics 6878 Views by Tanveer

Aliens may be manifesting natural disasters

In science fiction series like Star Trek: The Next Generation and Stargate, we have seen how Manipulative Aliens are able to create and control natural disasters with the help of advanced technology. These shows have depicted how various alien races control the weather to their advantage.

The fact that technology can be used to control weather was proved by the great electrical engineer, inventor and scientist, Nikola Tesla. He created devices which could create earthquakes or heat our ionosphere to create hurricanes and other weather conditions.

If human can possess such technologies, it won’t be too far-fetched to assume that regressive alien races with unknown technologies can easily control the weather. The famous History Channel show "Ancient Aliens", did an episode called Ancient Aliens and Mega Disasters. In this episode, the creators of the show talk about evidence from our history, which explain that various natural disasters were caused by aliens.


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