UFO: Triangle object flies over Merlin, Oregon

A witness has reported sighting a triangle shaped object in Merlin, Oregon, US on the 1st of November, 2012 at 8 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), as filed on the 3rd of November, 2012.

The witness gives us a description of where he lives and tells us what he saw when he looked up in the sky.

“I live on 2 acres in the country with a good view of the sky. I walked out to look at the stars and noticed lights coming low and slow from out of the West.”

He mentions that he also asked his wife to look at those lights. He further tells us that he was not sure of what the object was but was certain that it couldn’t have been an aero plane.

“I called my wife to come out and look because the lights were coming from an unusual direction. I didn’t know what it was; I just knew it wasn’t an airplane because airplanes are my hobby.”

The witness then talks about the shape and colour of the object. He also says that he and his wife found out that it was a single craft and not two different crafts, as they had initially assumed.

“It was a triangle shaped object with a cluster of lights in the front followed by a red blinking light in the center and another light close to that. At first it looked like 2 separate crafts, but as it got closer we could see that it was one big one.”

After that, he talks about the movement of the craft, the direction in which it went, and the fact that it made no noise.

“It headed towards the North then banked towards the East then disappeared. There was no noise at all."

Finally, the gentleman talks about his reaction and how his wife felt after sighting the craft. He also mentions the direction in which the craft disappeared.

"I was in awe and would like to know what it was. My wife was excited about it until it started to bank and looked like it was heading our direction, then she got scared. It faded off into the East."

The above quotes were edited for clarity. We request the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon.

Recently, there have been many reports of UFO sightings in which, the witnesses have described triangular shaped objects, which include lights of different colours. These sightings have been reported from around the world, including many reports from places across North America.


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