UFO · Exopolitics 4030 Views by Raymond

UFO: Arizona witness reports vanishing object near military base

An Arizona witness reports seeing a spherical UFO on 12 May 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness noticed the trajectory of the object.

“The object flew from west to east in straight line.”

The witness listened for any sound being emitted by the object.

“The object had no sound.”

The witness timed the duration of the UFO sighting.

“We watched the spherical object flying in the sky for just under three minutes, before it just vanished.”

The witness identified someone else who was with them at the time of the sighting, and where the witness saw the object.

“My mother and I were in the back yard talking when we noticed a spherical object flying.”

The witness sought to examine the object for any identifiable military or other insignia.

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-arizona-witness-reports-vanishing-object-near-military-base?cid=db_articles


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