Extraterrestrials: France UFOs represent Hostile Agenda

Date of sighting: March 28, 2012
Location of sighting: Mountains of Pic De Burgarach, France

The video below photos below present clear footage of apparent UFO activity coming from an underground base.

The video above help inspire a need for us, as humans, to be much more critical when seeking to appreciate alien phenomenon.

Eyewitness states: "Amazing footage of an UFO over the mountain Pic de Bugarach in France, March 28, 2012. A German hiker and a Spanish Mountain Group captured this video of this UFO / OVNI on top of the mountain."

This UFO activity has attractive a lot of interest among New Age religious communities. These New Age communities appear to have assumed that the UFO activity in France represents a benevolent intelligence. However, the style of contact by apparent Ethical Extraterrestrials suggests that the UFO activity in France is not consistent with an Ethical Extraterrestrial presence.

Ethical Extraterrestrials seek to fully respective human sovereignty and free will. If the UFO activity in France represented an Ethical Extraterrestrial presence, the “aliens” associated with the UFO activity would have at least made official contact with a number of voluntary contactees in the area. Such “benevolent aliens” would have indicated what species they area, where they come from, and their benevolent purposes of such a base. Voluntary contactees of Ethical Extraterrestrials notably include Alex Collier [also shown at the beginning of the above video].

There has also been talk of secret archaeological digs by the Nazis, activity associated with the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad), flying saucers, ‘humming’ from the mountain and mysterious helicopter visits by Francois Mitterand, the late French President, based upon the accounts of various research sources on the internet.

In other words, UFO activity in France is linked with various elite contacts which has sought to shut off humanity as a whole from any announced presence.

Dr. Michael Salla attributes such contact as being associated with what he calls a “Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex” of Interests of MIEC. In other words, the UFO activity in France is consistent with Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Ethical Extraterrestrials that oppose humanity’s oppression under ’MIEC’ also would not be able to so openly operate on a mountain near a populated area.

Ethical Extraterrestrials typical seek out voluntary contacts with humans who are open to such contacts, and would oppose the inspiring of any religious following among humans.

Background information: http://www.netmefrance.com/france/pic-de-bugarach-armageddon


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