Extraterrestrial War of the 1930’s reveals Miami as part of End of Times Scenario through Mayan Pentagram

Is Miami the missing piece to a Mayan Pentagram which apparently starts from 9/11? Is the Miami region to be the “official start” point of World War III, as a prelude to a New World Order? Who were the Mayans, and what is their significance the in unfolding of human history?

Based upon Alex’s Collier’s insights, the Nazis developed stargate technology in their inter-dimensional exploration for aliens. Alex Collier is a self-described contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials. The apparent result of this “exploration” was that the Nazis found lower dimensional alien entities. This apparently resulted in a Nazi-alien alliance which travelled back into time to “do battle” with ancient human civilizations. In these battles, ancient civilizations often referred to these battles as “wars with the gods”. Apparently the Nazi-alien alliance sought to appear to these ancient civilizations at “supernatural gods”, when based on Pagan Gnostics insights, these “archons” were parasitic entitles from the alien mind of the Demiurge.

Each archon is connected to each other as a “hive mind” to what Pagan Gnostics referred to as the “Demiurge”. The Demiurge controls hierarchically controlled layers of archons entities which seek to “please” the Demiurge. By pleasing the Demiurge, archon entities rise to power within the hive matrix of the Demiurge.

The Mayan Civilization which spawned its calendar was apparently spawned from time travelling alien contact with the Demiurge. Human sacrifice in the Mayan Civilization is an apparent integral part of the “vampirism” which Pagan Gnostics associated with the Demiurge.

There has been much speculation about 2012, based upon the Mayan Calendar. As humans, should we be concerned about any significance associated with 2012? Well, based upon the research of John Fleck, perhaps we should. What do you think of the following insight.

Did you know that if you that if you “connect the dots” of major disasters in the U.S. since 1991, the result is a Mayan Pentagram? Watch the complete video above when he “connects the dot”. Did you know that in 2009, Mr. Fleck successfully predicted that a disaster was scheduled to take place in the Gulf of Mexico? That disaster turned out to be the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil spill which has been shrouded in controversy and cover-up which has sought to frustrate investigate researchers. Such a pattern of cover-up has also been evident on 9/11 and 3/11 Fukushima.

In the video, there is one point left to connect to a disaster. That point on the Mayan Pentagram terminates in the Miami area. John Fleck’s further research on demonic Demiurge symbolism had led him to conclude that the archon operatives of the Demiurge seek to trigger an underwater nuclear bomb near Miami which would submerge the whole of Florida, that is under sea level.

In the video below, Jesse Ventura’s research suggests that the archons expect a resulting tidal wave that would also submerge Washington D.C. underwater, and would trigger an all-out nuclear war, as a prelude to a One World Government under the control of the complete control of the Demiurge and the demonic archon operatives.

The One World Government would be the rationale of the elites to “end all wars“, by banning the “nation state” as “the cause” of wars, when in fact, the cause of wars is the archons.

Following the nuking of Miami, the submerging of Washington D.C.. and an all-out nuclear war, as the U.S. retaliates against either Iran, North Korea, or whatever other Russian/Chinese ally that the archons have planned, Mr. Ventura suggests that Denver is to become the new capital.

In the video below, Jesse Ventura indicates that the archons openly reveal through murals in the Denver Airport which depict the horrors in this apparently planned World War III scenario that Denver is to become the capital of the New World Order. Mr. Ventura elaborates that elites have created underground facilities to protect themselves from chaos on the surface, as a result of the final completion of the Mayan Pentagram.

Backgrounder articles:

Extraterrestrial War of 1930’s linked to Adam and Eve ruling hybrids


Extraterrestrials: Planet X or Comet Elenin resembles Star Trek Sci Fi Borg Cube




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