Pope Warns About Evil Disguised as Good: Think Monsanto, Vaccines and Big Pharma

(NaturalNews) "Feeding the world" is the mantra of Monsanto, the multinational corporation that leads the way for genetic engineering of nature. Scientists working for this machine; for example, take genes from bacteria to put in corn or splice genes from fish into tomatoes. The genetic alterations give the food special properties. The question is: How does rearranging the DNA of nature affect the DNA of humans over time? How does human DNA react to these sudden changes in crops and foods consumed? Could these crop DNA changes cause cellular pathways and DNA expressions to be turned on or off in humans, as human biomes becomes conflicted, not understanding the new variance of DNA suddenly confronting them?

These questions remain unanswered, because Monsanto is credited for "feeding the world" with their DNA manipulations -- for example, engineering corn to create its own insecticide, or engineering tomatoes so they can have a longer shelf life. When Monsanto scientists give seeds these special abilities, they say that less pesticide is needed and that more people can be fed, but wasn't Monsanto the company that developed the most infamous herbicide to begin with -- glyphosate? And how might their genetic alterations cause ongoing need for these chemicals? How is this genetic pollution changing ecosystems, destroying the diverse selection of heirloom seeds needed for farmer sovereignty and food system stability? There's more to it than just "feeding the world." What about the nutritional quality of this DNA-manipulated food? What about ill effects on ecosystems? What about farmers rights to a diverse selection of natural seed?

Are Monsanto's ideas wholesome, supporting life, liberty and the betterment of mankind, or are their ideas evil disguised as good? Is the mantra, "feeding the world," just a front, covering up worldwide evil taking place every day unseen in farmer's fields?

Pope talks about evil disguised as good - is he referring to modern day GMOs and pharmaceuticals?

At the September 2014 feast of the archangels, Pope Francis stood up and spoke about the spiritual battle being waged in the heavenly realms, the battle between good and evil. He told all who were listening to pray to the angels, for they are there to defend mankind in times of deception. At the Vatican's Saint Martha residence chapel, the Pope warned about the enemy of man's soul and how the devil is always lurking to kill, steal and destroy mankind while disguising his intentions as good.

"He presents things as if they were good, but his intention is destruction,"said the Pope, who also offered hope, saying that "the angels defend us." Pope Francis spoke about the ongoing battle for man's soul: "[F]rom the beginning the Bible speaks to us of this: Satan's (use of) seduction to destroy."

Is this battle alive today, and does it exist within the corporate structure of the genetic engineering of food? Is the mantra, "feeding the world," just a front, a clever marketing tool to deceive people into a world of controlled monoculture, genetic pollution and chemical toxicity? Genetic engineering may look like a progressive way to feed more and save lives, but its wrought in control. (They manipulate nature's DNA and then claim ownership over it with a patent.) Not only that, but their "feeding the world" motto is laced with chemical spraying that leads to disease in the human gut biology, damaged soil bacteria and ecological repercussions (death of pollinators).

Was man ever intended to be exposed to such a wide range of chemicals, in both agriculture and medicine? Why are pharmaceutical drugs believed to be medicine, while having such long lists of side effects? When did nutrition and plant-based medicine become so overshadowed and demonized? Does the spiritual war that the Pope speaks of apply to modern-day agriculture and medicine?

How might agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals be disguised as good, feeding and touted for healing the world, but in actuality, be the very problems destroying mankind today?

What spiritual path are you on? Is your life guided by a higher power, protecting you from all the evil in the world that comes in the name of good? Are you walking in faith or following the lies of big businesses that sell toxins packaged as medicines and genetic pollution disguised as food?

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