Uterine fibroids: Natural remedies better choice than Hysterectomy
Uterine fibroids are solid muscle tissue growths in the uterus. They occur frequently -- in up to half of all women over forty. The majority (80%) of fibroids are as small as a walnut, usually not bigger than an orange. In the U.S., about one third of all hysterectomies is because of the fibroids.
Estrogens, especially estradiol, promote their growth. Estrogen levels can rise during the early menopausal years, so suddenly, there is this diagnosis in spite of there being no previous symptoms and warnings.
The symptoms can be, amongst others:
. feeling of heaviness in the belly,
. low back pain,
. pain with vaginal penetration,
. bowel difficulties,
. urinary frequency or incontinence,
. severe menstrual pain and flooding
. heavy menstrual bleeding..
Hysterectomy will solve the problem but in a most violent way -- by taking the uterus out, often taking the ovaries out as well. The patient is being thrown into a surgical menopause, for the rest of her life. It is worthwhile to try other approaches to avoid hysterectomy, and there actually exist herbal remedies for uterine fibroids.
Natural Treatment for Fibroids
The use of diet, nutritional supplements, naturopathic techniques, herbal medicine and homoeopathy can assist in reducing the growth of fibroids.
Diet and Fibroids
What you eat can be crucial because it can help control excess levels of oestrogen that can encourage the fibroid to grow. If you need to have surgical treatment because a fibroid is preventing conception, for example, then it is crucial that you start eating well as soon as you can, even before the surgery, to prevent a fibroid from regrowing after it has been removed.
Include phytoestrogens in your diet – alfalfa, red clover, soy (fermented form), linseeds, lentils, chickpeas. Phytoestrogens may help reduce excessive endogenous oestrogen by bypassing oestrogen binding.
Eat complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre, including fruit and vegetables, and wholegrains like brown rice, oats and wholemeal bread.
Buy organic foods whenever possible.
Reduce your intake of saturated fat.
Drink two litres of filtered water daily.
Avoid additives, preservatives and chemicals such as artificial sweeteners.
Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
Avoid sugar on its own and hidden in foods.
Avoid drinking black tea with your meals as this can block the uptake of iron from your food. Similarly, phosphates, found in fizzy soft drinks, will prevent iron from being absorbed by the body. Herb teas and fruit juices are fine.
Reduce your intake of red meat and dairy products. These contain arachidonic acid, which worsens pain and inflammation, increases blood flow, and reduces blood-clotting.
Include essential fatty acids in your diet – eat nuts, seeds, some oils (linseed/flaxseed) and oily fish (including mackerel, mullet and salmon).
Supplements for Fibroids
Iron may be needed if you are bleeding heavily and your iron levels are low. NB. inappropriate use of iron supplements can interfere with zinc uptake. Iron should be taken with vitamin C and away from tea, calcium, zinc and some herbs (e.g. chamomile, fenugreek, milk thistle, lime flowers, peppermint, rosemary and vervian).
Zinc is good for hormone balance and tissue repair.
Calcium and magnesium are effective for muscle spasm, pain and discomfort.
Vitamin C and bioflavonoids help to strengthen capillaries and minimise bleeding, and also assist in iron uptake.
Consider multivitamin and mineral supplements to make sure you are not missing out on any valuable nutrients.
Vitamin A deficiency has been found in women with heavy bleeding. One study showed that 92% of women who are prescribed supplemental vitamin A found that their heavy bleeding was either cured or alleviated.
B vitamins are very important for fibroids. They are needed by the liver to convert excess oestrogen into weaker and less dangerous forms. Other B vitamins such as B6 are important in the natural anti-inflammatory pathways in our bodies. B6 also helps reduce abnormal blood clotting.
Omega 3 oils help reduce inflammation and pain, and control bleeding during periods.
DIM as a supplement helps the liver convert oestrogen into a healthier form. The dose is dependent on body weight.
Always consult a qualified health practitioner regarding your personal health issues.
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