Ottawa's Marcella Carby-Samuels, Defence Counsel Goes From Dirty Cop to Corrupting Judges
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In our series entitled The Anatomy of a Psychopath we have learned about an intriguing news story that has been repressed by local and national media. Raymond who is the brother of Marcella Carby-Samuels was determined to help is Mom onto the road of recovery. When Raymond had asked Dezrin, his dear Mother, if she wanted his assistance to get better, she nodded yes. The abuse she experienced for weeks by husband and with the support of Marcella had made her unable, write, walk or talk. Dezrin is 5'0" while her husband by comparison is an imposing 6'4" who was becoming more aggressive in his behaviours toward both Dezrin and Raymond who he once attacked with a knife and nearly servered off his finger. This had required emergency reconstructive surgergy in Ottawa Hospital But, Marcella was determined to block any effort Raymond had sought to restore the ability of Dezrin to walk, write and talk, while she was studying in Sweden at Lund University
Watch the below video for more on psychopaths.
For months, Marcella subjected Raymond, her brother, to Police racial profiling inspired harassment directed at him, who she also claimed also to suffering from “mentally illnessâ€. In a previous article, we learned that Marcella had hired a dirty cop named Detective Robert Griffin Jr to carry out her campaign against Raymond.
Raymond who had taught law, after weeks and months of harassment engineered by Marcella through her operative in the Police, decided to file civil litigation against both the dirty cop and his posse and against Horace Carby-Samuels in order for a Court to Order access to enable Raymond to reunite with his Mother.
This is when Marcella launched a new phase of her quasi-criminal activities.
Marcella in collaboration with Horace, her father, hired John Summers who then sought to embellish lies that Raymond “suffers from mental illnessâ€. But, perhaps even more shocking, it appears that Defence Counsel was able to find and cultivate a new ally.
Are there judges in Ontario or Canada in general who can be “bought off†allegedly like those in such places as Mexico, Africa and Russia? Ask Mr. Summers.
Justice P. E. Rogers was contacted and then blocked multiple Emergency Motions Raymond presented to the Court as if he was planted to do so.
However, Raymond was able to get Justice Patrick Smith to review the very evidence that Justice P E. Roger had ignored. Finally on 11 February 2016, Justice Patrick Smith Ordered that Raymond be reunited with his Mom and get daily access. [Please watch the above video for more details].
John Summers then sent private communications to Justice Beaudoin in an effort to throw out Raymond's cases, but Justice Beaudoin rebuffed John Summers.
In a desperate move it appears that Justice P.E. Roger was re-contacted about the file. He took over the file and not only totally reversed Justice Patrick's Smith's decision against the Rules of Civil Procedure but also “fined†Raymond $1500.00.
It appears that Justice P. E. Roger in collusion of the Defence provided J. McNamara, the Senior Regional Justice for Eastern Ontario as an apparent accomplice to the Defendant's apparent illicit relations in the creation of a Kangaroo Court.
It is apparent that Marcella has gone through extraordinary lengths to oppress her elderly Mom, while also seeking to subvert the ability of Raymond, her brother, to reunite with his Mother. Raymond has asked the Canadian Judicial Council to investigate the apparent illicit activities of Justce P. E. Roger who had confesed that the considered the matter of Raymond's litigation to be “personal†along with J. McNamara.
But, let's step back a bit so we know more about who Marcella is as a person and how that influenced her cold calculating oppressive behaviours against both Dezrin, her Mom and Raymond, her brother. Marcella growing up had a somewhat “unusual†perspective. For example, she would rather disparagingly refer to young couples with kids simply as “breeders†but regarded the institution of marriage to be potentially economically useful if the potentially right rich male partner came along. She found the right male in David Tenenbaum and supported him getting a PhD as long as he would support her, even if that involved hiding her maiden name to deceive Lund University.
Marcella became quite a big lady also became a more and more of a violent person. She reportedly followed a person to their house who four-way flashed her, and on multiple occasions physically assaulted her brother, as she had reportedly abused her husband.
So, if Marcella had the kind of empathy that characterizes a normal human being, it was not very evident in her behaviours against her very own Mother who she sought to intimidate and threaten to accepting the treatment by her father-in-law, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum as a lab rat. Raymond had observed that Dezrin feared Horace as she feared Marcella who both subjected her to differing forms of abuse and neglect.
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