Alien Orbs Reported Over Niagara Falls, Ontario

Date:  12 April, 2016.

Place: Niagara Falls, Province of Ontario, Canada.

On 12 April 2016, UFO specialised website received an anonymous report on the sighting of “three orbs” hovering above the Niagara Falls. “I came out of work and I was walking to drop off my cash”, the unnamed observer related. “Then I looked up and saw that there were three orbs over the falls hovering”, he reported.

He also said that these orbs were of “a glowing yellowish orange colour”. He watched the lights for “about 5 minutes”.  

Nevertheless, he decided to continue walking to finish what he had to do, and when he went back to the place of the event, “they [the orbs] were gone”.

“Since I've always believed in aliens my whole life, my mind immediately went to a UFO”, he declared. “I was really startled but also very thrilled to see”.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information:

Long Description of Sighting Report


I came out of work and I was walking to drop off my cash. Then I looked up and saw that there was three orbs over the falls hovering. They were a glowing yellowish orange colour. Since I've always believed in aliens my whole life my mind immediately went to a UFO. After watching for about 5 mins I had to go drop my cash off, and after I finished I went to go back and they were gone. I was really startled but also very thrilled to see. 


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