France, Terrorism and the Alien Agenda

The official narrative is that Muslim extremists were behind the tragedy in France and that these same 'terrorists' seek to seize control of the Middle East as a new “Islamic State”.  However, the official narrative becomes questionable when investigative researchers who include David Icke expose the apparent fact that these so-called terrorists are being financed by behind-closed doors commercial trading arrangements. 

Why put your citizens further at risk from the activities of these terrorists by such commercial trading arrangements which reportedly include  oil?  Could certain elites who officially condemn the kinds of “terrorists” operations in France actually quietly regard such extremists as desirable?  Could the whole “War on Terrorism” be based upon hyprocrisy and a lie?
Dr. Michael Salla is his Typology of Extraterrestrials provides us with a different perspective on the “War on Terrorism”.  He suggests that alien manipulation is responsible for terrorism on our planet Earth alongside other systematized global problems.

“In sum, according to the whistleblower and contactee testimonies discussed thus far, it can be concluded that the indigenous Earth based Reptilians are involved in activities such as manipulating human elites and financial institutions, influencing religious belief systems, militarism and altering the history of human civilization. The systemic global problems the (indigenous) Reptilians contribute to include covert human rights abuses, elite corruption and domination, control the media and corporations, divisive religious dogma, historical amnesia and a culture of violence.”

Dr. Micheal Salla further alleges the following:

“The Draconians form the (hidden) apex of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) that controls information and technology related to the extraterrestrial presence. The Draconians appear to be very active in controlling human elites, institutions and financial systems; promoting militarism; creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity; harvesting humans and manipulating Grays and other Reptilian races. Draconian activities contribute to global problems such as concentrated wealth, corrupt elites and institutions, ethnic/religious violence, human rights abuses, a culture of violence and terrorism, and the drug trade and organized crime.”

Read more HERE.


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