Starting a Clothing Retail Shop

The clothing retail industry is a very big one that brings in millions of dollars each year. Most men will be quick to accuse women of their shopping behaviour but either way, both men and women have helped the clothing retail industry to grow in leaps and bounds. Imagine the number of people who visit malls everyday and the million others that are online searching for something new to buy.

It should therefore come as no surprise that most of those looking to start a business will be attracted to the clothing industry. This is a big industry will a lot of different areas to focus on if an entrepreneur so wishes. Those willing to venture into this industry should do a lot of background study of what happens in their area before jumping in. To be able to succeed, an entrepreneur will have to look carefully into what they think can be done differently in the area they intend to operate. Note that there are big as well as small companies involved in this industry. However, size has never been a defining factor for success. Big companies have been known to fail as well as small ones. At the end of the day, it is the amount of money put in and the effort from the entrepreneur that will matter.

Educate yourself

Business may seem very easy especially when you are standing from the outside. However, when you finally find yourself on the inside, you will discover it was not that easy. To prepare yourself for the clothing retail business, take some training on retail. If you are lucky to have worked in retail before, then you stand a better chance of succeeding. If you are not that lucky, you still need to take up some courses in business and fashion. This can be done by reading up some books in business management.

Don’t forget the business plan

Your ideas about the store should not only remain in your head. They should be written down on paper. This way you can always go back and check where you are going out of the plans you have for the store. All of this should be written down in a business plan. This should also contain information about financials and projected sales.

Know the startup costs

Entrepreneurs differ on what is a good startup capital for a retail shop. Whatever the case, you should be able to calculate your fixed cost plus other operational cost to determine what you really need to get the business started. If you find this process difficult, talk to a business consultant.


There will always be extra things like choosing the right location for the store, hiring employees, choosing suppliers and marketing services. These and many more will have to be taken into consideration as you go along.


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