Xmeeting.com Reviews: Fun Date Ideas

Dating can be a lot of fun, thanks to dating websites like Xmeeting.com. In this modern era where an unassuming swipe of a finger can mean a date is set in motion, you’re going to run out of fun date ideas for your potential soul/bed-mate pretty quickly.

Movies are too expensive, bars are too loud, and carnivals are terribly seasonal. So here are some date ideas for the refined couple who are ready to up their dating game and get into the 21st century and, eventually, make some babies.

Go To A Stationery Store

Ladies love stationery stores. Seriously -- and this isn’t some kind of Mystery Method reverse psychology crap. Nice pens are sexy as hell and the notion of two people writing each other love letters is a lost romantic gesture that can be rekindled immediately upon entering one of these stores. Then, after the date, text your date the word “how are” and send a letter with the the word “you?” Mind = blown.

Be Aimless

Don’t Yelp, don’t Google, don’t FourSquare -- don’t use the name of an app as a verb -- just walk. Get lost in your own city or town and find a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant that sells incredible tacos for remarkably high prices and you can bond over leaving bad Yelp reviews. Bonus idea: If you find a literal hole in the wall, hide stuff in it -- like your inhibitions.

Do Free Things

It doesn’t matter if you live in Brooklyn, New York or Brooklyn, Minnesota. There’s always something free going on somewhere and, honestly, the weirder the better. Remember: If it’s a story that’s worth telling your kids one day, it’s an event worth attending. Scour Craigslist’s “Events” section and click on the most bizarre postings -- rap battle on the outskirts of town? Sure. A Hare Krishna breakdance session? Edible clay? Um... sure. Hell, hands down, the best guide to your neighborhood is through Reddit. There are subreddits for almost every state -- even Connecticut. Use it to your advantage and find something bizarre. Maybe pass on the edible clay scene, though...

Get Metaphysical

Dating isn’t fun unless you know you’re never going to see the person again. Seriously, imagine the kind of trouble you could get into if you knew the person you were seeing had no interest in you at all. Since most of us aren’t that intuitive, make fun of dating by making fun of the date. Remember that insightful opening paragraph just now? Forget it. Go to a movie and make fun of it, go to a bar and ask for your finest bottle of cheapest wine -- just don’t take the setting seriously and you might accidentally pay attention to the person you’re supposed to be paying attention to.

Get Very Physical

If you’re going the out-of-your-element route, find the weirdest punk show you can go to and dance till your ass falls out of your pant-legs. Man, there’s just something about a driving bass line and screechy vocals that gets the juices flowing -- the sexy juices. No, not those sexy juices, just some sexy fluids.



SourceAsk Men


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